Student Spotlight – Coreena Altig
by Lovegevity | Dec 18 | Student Spotlight | 0 comments

We had a chance to catch up with busy student, Coreena Altig, on her way to becoming a Certified Wedding and Event Planner. Ms. Altig is a student in Wedding and Event Planning.
Coreena’s project two (2) was to sell her company’s products and services to a new client. We enjoyed her project and we think you’ll enjoy it too!
What did you find to be the most challenging?

The most challenging part of this project for me was trying to figure out how to use pages on my new MacBook! Just kidding, but not really. As far as content, it was really difficult to try to keep the project at a reasonable size. It really seemed like a lot of pages.
What was your favorite part?
My favorite part was putting everything together and imagining sitting in a coffee shop with a potential client and going through it with them.

What was the biggest take-away you learned?

My biggest take-away from this project is to let the client know who you are and give them enough resources to show them that you know how to do your job and do it well, but don’t give them so much that they feel they don’t need you.
What advice do you have for anyone planning to start a career in wedding and event planning?
My advice for anyone that wants to be an event planner is to get as much education as you can and do as much research as you can. See what other planners do, look at how they do it and figure out what works for you.

To learn more about this student, check out their social media links below:

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